
This morning when I got up, gettin the coffee ready standing bleary eyed at the kitchen sink I looked out my kitchen into the the ol dysubackyard.

kitchen windowThe kitchen window is a big window with lots of small square panes. Every pane had a web of sparkling frost in the lower right corner spreading across the glass in fantastic and beautiful patterns.

But there was still more. Outside, beyond the window, it was becoming first light and, as sometimes happens at sunrise, the world was a soft glowing pink, a gentle rose blush colored every surface including the frost on my window.

I filled the coffee pot and started ‘er up. I watched as it the color slowly warmed from rose, to peach to flame orange. Watching this show I thought “Thanks God!” It was a nice little show, a beautiful moment.

I have always been good that way, enjoying these small everyday miracles.

Standing there I also gave thanks to the Lord for my eyes that get to observe, quantify, name and internally interpret the nuances of color He put here, in part, fer my enjoyment.

I also gave thanks fer my ability to smell the coffee brewing.

Then I realized what I needed to write about today.  About giving thanks. What that means to me.

And first I guess I need to acknowledge that there’s gonna be some stuff in here counter to what you probably have been taught and believe (like that’s any news).

And second I am gonna mention God (before ya get yer underthings in a bunch go read what I’ve written in earlier posts bout my belief in God or more specifically about the benefit to a societies culture with a solid belief in God).

But let’s start at the beginning shall we.

Lets get rid of the bull or I guess in this case Turkey-sh*t shall we.

When I was a wee lad, I was taught how great the Pilgrims were an that we came here and struggled at first but with some assistancefirst_thanksgiving from the Native peoples, who we had begun trading with. Eventually the country that was to become America began to flourish and take hold in this great land. After this first truly bountiful harvest the pilgrims sat down with their new native brethren and broke bread and gave thanks to God for their plentiful bounty. (This of course was an oversimplified version, leaving out much of the uglier truths, and focusing on a simple message of pride of country for young citizens of said country).

Fast forward just a couple of years. I was now being taught a new version of Thanksgiving. The pilgrims actually were not going to survive without the help of the native peoples. On the verge of starvation the native peoples took pity on The First Thanksgivingthem and rescued them and that during this gifted feast they gave “thanks” to their native friends for their donated food. (this was one of the earliest salvos in this war on American culture.) This nueth (remember new truth=nueth) was, we were told, a more realistic interpretation of the facts of the first thanksgiving, stripped of the evil propaganda filled lies of the early pro American education system. Bringing a true understanding that Thanksgiving had nothing to do with God.

Fast forward a few more years and we learn that not only did the native’s save our a** in those first couple years, but that many white pilgrim settlers never did truly give thanks to the natives, but that were secretly duplicitous and held ne’er do well intentions pequot_war1637-1_247fer the peaceful and ecological sensitive Native Peoples. And that our Thanksgiving meal was only a sham, a pretense to give us the God given right to destroy all that was good and right in this untouched Eden.

I know I used to believe that also. The problem is that, like much of what the new left taught us is in no way, wait…IN NO WAY…related to the truth.

The earliest lessons I learned, which while not 100% true were far closer to the truth than the last.

I’m not going to get into the whole story here, others have already done it fer me, better than me & that’s probably a benefit to us both cause I’m already closin in on a thousand words. ( I don’t know how you two hundred word people do it…oh probably by not RushThanksgiving2011typing that thought out as part of the post would be a start)…

See this is, this theme of today’s post, is in direct relation to everything I wanna say.

These nueths that I latched onto, that we all (almost) have embraced, that Pilgrims were evil religious zealots who re payed native American’s life saving assistance with betrayal death and disease (on purpose some would argue) are no more real than the idea that women can handle more pain than men, or that the new and improved Swiffer Mop is gonna make yer house stay cleaner.

I’m sorry. But the facts, the evidence of this first Thanksgiving are available, numerous, and undeniably steeped in an open and honest Thanksgiving to the Creator of Everything. To God.

If you scoff, if yer a scoffer, go look it up fer yerself.

I bet ya won’t though, that’s the thing about bein a lefty. Most of ya are jes doin it ’cause ya don’t like the boring old churchy ways of old time America. Most of ya’ don’t like the idea of a God makin ya feel guilty ’bout the weird selfish things ya wanna do. The last thing ya’ wanna do is go look up boring ol’ facts. (As fer the ret of you on the left, you already know yer lyin’, ya jes don’t care ’cause the ends justify the means. That’s why I stopped being a democrat. The reason yer lyin doesn’t excuse yer lyin.)Metal heads

Look I’m not sayin I’m better than you, hell I often say the opposite and it’s probably true. I lived most of my life flaunting my free will doin whatever the heck-a-rooni I felt like and damn the consequences, and am living the consequences and am in some ways damned…oh it is to laugh

So what the heck am I tryin to say.

Jes that this Thanksgiving I wanna ferget all the things, all the turkey sh*t, the overwhelming and often times maddening things I am unthankful for (which seems to be my way oh cats n kittens).

And remember God’s small gifts, His instant messages as it were.thanksgiving-family-dinner

Looking out the window this morning was one of those small pleasures.

Chasin the crazy life, living wild n free, living rich n large,  doin what I wanted when I wanted brought me lots of pleasures to be sure but, pleasures which when over felt hollow and  unfufilling, often leave left me bitter n disappointed. It is black-fridaynever enough to fill that hole. But…

Picture from web. Not actual photo of my window.

Picture from web. Not actual photo of my window.

The smile and laughter of my kids, the taste of bacon, the smell of coffee brewing, the sight of early morning frost on my window momentarily glowing a heavenly pink. Just typing the words here fill me with a peaceful warmth.

Whatever that feeling is, whatever it is that instills in us with the love of the quiet blessing of ordinary moments. I give thanks to God fer it. It makes me feel better.

I give thanks to God (whatever that may be) fer those things which in the midst of what often seems like hell, remind me that there is also Heaven.

Fun with Facts

November 25, 2013

Another fun one from the archives of the O Dysu. Hoe ya’ enjoy it! Don’t be afraid to leave a comment cats n kittens


And so Cats & Kittens here we go…I mean I promised I would revisit this subject…I think it’s important to what I am tryin to say overall…I don’t wanna rehash everything…oh n as always it’s me the Dysu.

I mean it might behoove you, if yer really interested in discussing this subject honestly, to understand that the main purpose of this blog is to pass on this stuff I have come to believe, (that is in direct contrast to modern popular culture) to my own kids…

So if this post is to help clarify, solidify things I have already said you may, (especially if ya think I’m full of the ol crapola) want to go back and read some of these earlier pieces…

I am going to bold all (I feel) my real important points just in case you want to skim to get the general idea, that way you…

View original post 1,525 more words

Cats n’ kittens the ol Dysu doesn’t even know where to start on this one.I have spent three days doing research compiling facts andthe ol dysu factoids alike looking for that one tidbit of information that would, could, possibly, just maybe sweep across the net and stir the American people to rise up.

Or at the very least stop enabling, handing off responsibility for, or even worse encouraging, cheering from the sidelines while certain elements of our own government strip away all the last ragged vestiges of the founding fathers original intentions.

And yes yes, I know I’m paranoid…but it doesn’t change facts.  Annd yes I understand it does affect my interpretations of those facts, that’s why I try to do my research. Try to counter my growing madness with evidence. But sometimes it backfires.

Do I wanna believe there is something super sinister is going on, some underlying plan that we re all three steps behind on. No!

Really I mean that. I could hardly take the Bush administrations shenanigans, But what’s going on now is a different story. I don’t want to believe that our Pres, his lackeys like Ms. Sibelius, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Media Mogul supporters like Oprah I mean it feels like an all out assault, the big push. Perhaps they feel they are so close, these true believers, and with just a bit more pressure…I mean call me dysfunctional lol, but that’ the feeling I’m getting.

Leading the Choir.!

Leading the Choir.!

The conservative pundits want us to believe that President Obama is a bumbler. That Harry Reid is only using the N-word option as as a last ditch smoke screen against the Obamacares failure. I guess that all might be true

I can only hope so.

The conservative pundits, the republican politicians and prognosticators all are laughing at Harry Reid and the dems.

“You guys really blew it.” and “Just wait till it’s our turn now.” that’s what they are saying.

But have you stopped to even consider…what if yer chance at revenge (which of course trust me I believe is equally ridiculous) never comes.

It’s a long three years till November 2016. what will *America look like by then?

nuclear-blast-hiNow that they can appoint anyone, now that the road for President Obama, who himself has made numerous end runs around the constitution and willingly expanded long held traditional executive powers (in a way that resembles more of an Autocracy than any other form of poli sci system) does the system have more checks and balances or less?.

Now that the senate democrats can pass any legislation they damn well please what do you think might happen next?

They are idealouges who have realized that the American people are starting to have doubts about this brave new tomorrow.

But as we are going to see, if the majority of (white) American people are no longer supporting health care well they can go take a big flying f- at the moon.

That’s what’s coming, you will take this health care. It’s better for you. Even if it’s not. Shut you f-ing pie hole and take it.

Mmm! Crow pie.

What about Gun control issues? Amend the bill of rights by altering or removing the outdated second amendment.

Who is gonna stop them?

Immigration reform?

Military budgets?  We don’t need no stinking military!

You remember I use to be a true believer I know what the dream is…the utopian ideals they dream of instituting if only old timey conservative American’s would jes give up or die off.

Or as Oprah oh so succinctly put it…

O-merica's Favorite Bully

Die Old Racist Die!

There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.’ 

Oh I mean it is to laugh. And still I know a lot of you, many like Ex-2, whom I love, will still defend Oprah, defend President Obama, believe in this brave new America, even at the expense of their own off-spring.

President Obama,

This third world America…well I know you don’t see it that way that’s why I’m writing this darn post. But like me during the 70’s, 80’s, & most of the 90’s, I was, we are full of the best intentions I know.

Our leaders are not.

If you don’t see it by now, I’m pretty sure nothing I’ve written above will convince you to change ye mind.

I’m a crazy sexist, old school white male after all, obviously marinated, literally soaking in my own racist juices.

If only there were other sources I could turn too.

Oh wait here’s some.068b28acd7c5577cbbdd2833ef209f2d..

Benjamin-Franklin-Famous-QuotesWell there ya’ go cats, kittens that’s bout all fer me today I can’t beat anything any one of the things that these guys say.

If the Founding Fathers can’t convince ya…

Jes so it’s known that a lot of people tried to warn ya later…

Women and Gay guys I’m talking to you. Look out there at the rst of the world and tell me if China or the Muslim Brotherhood set up camp in ol D.C. wheere do ya think all yer rights will go then.

You will look back on the days when the “evil white christian conservatives” were in charge as yer rainbow unicorn picnic days.

tj quote $(KGrHqRHJ!4E8ew57Nd4BPPdEPc,Ig~~60_35God Bless ya’ll all.

I got notin else.

Benghazi, IRS, Healthcare lies, Job’s # questions, Power Grabs, Expansion of the Executive branch, roving bands of youth already silently moving through the streets striking out….Polar bear Hunting it’s called.

After they come fer people like me….(older white marinated Americans)

Well ya know what they say…

Oh wait you probably don’t. They probably don’t teach that anymore

Hey and all that rigamarole cat’s n kittens. It’s jes me the lil Ol’ Dysu and while I’m buy slappin together my next hard hitting blog the ol dysuharrys-had-enoughabout the end of America as we know it n(orchestrated by our friend Harry Reid) but I’m to cranky about it to keep goin tonight so i thought I might share something to make you laugh.

Here at the Palace City offices of Blogaphesto straight down the hall as my dog goes is another writer slaving way in anonymity fer our fearless leaders B-phesto Inc.

Anyway and again as always I thought it was good fer a laugh and would love to help the poor feller out a bit.

So here it is oh my fuzzy pets.

Electronic Life 6.0cropped-infantelope-21

I have Faith in my Doubts

November 21, 2013

Well I’m gonna do somethin I don’t often do in these posts, an some of you will be choking on the idea in a minute…the ol dysu

jesus-doin jointI’m gonna talk about God.

See I mean okay and already. First to those who haven’t ran away already, I know it’s hard to believe given some of the topics I’ve written about and the f-bombs and other horrid language I can occasionally use, but I am in dysfunctional in all sorts of ways my cats and kittens. And I tell ya if there’s anything I like talking more about than politics, it’s  God, meaning and purpose of life, religion etc and what have yous.

I jes don’t do a lot of it here. I have jes not much. You can see some earlier posts by clicking on some of the pics below.

I mean you probably should, but I know ya won’t, and there’s no time to get into my dysfunctional Christian (many Christians would say not Christian) beliefs. So you’ll jes have to roll with it.

But again I don’t have time ’cause I’m here to talk about faith and doubt . More specifically about a conversation I was enjoying with another WP Blogger on a post he had written about free will.

Now it jes so happens that I have been perfecting (lol) a post about jes that topic and so I went to read what he had written when notice of the post arrived in my inbox.

You Kids do what you want. No really.

You Kids do what you want. No really.

Now maybe later I will get to the whole free will post and the complexities of believing (as I do)in a Supernatural Natural Being with a  Plan set in motion at the beginning of time which also incorporates as it’s principal actors (or cogs in the great machine of his plan) units with free will. It boggles my ever loving mind but I love thinking about it…

But I gotta focus or I will never get to the faith vs. doubt issue ’cause this one really (in a fun and intellectual way)gets under my craw.

So here it is I wanna give you the opportunity to read his original post and our replies back and forth. I will give you the opportunity but again I don’t think you’ll avail yerself of it.

Ya should be okay to get a general idea of the whole shebang and the (I believe valid) point I was trying to make.

Understand before you do continue that I think he might have blocked me from replying anymore. I hope it’s due to my long replies and not the subject matter (though I know many bloggers just want people to like their posts or fawn over their wisdom which is not the ol’ Units way). I only comment the way I wish others would comment on mine…(is that too obvious n pathetic)

Annnyway! Here is my reply to his reply to my reply.

Oh and obviously I’ve added the pictures jes for the post here.

Thank you for you thoughtful reply. I will try to be a tad more succinct than my earlier ramble.
First let me say that if I hear you correctly you have complete faith that you’re going to heaven, simply questions (doubts) about the process.
Hopefully I’ve gotten that right.
Now as to faith vs doubt, light vs dark etc 🙂
While I believe your argument is sound from philosophical view. That I can understand the concept of light without knowing the concept of darkness. I believe in practical application I can only truly understand light, if I have known darkness.
Can I begin to comprehend lights importance to my life, it’s warmth, glory and all that it brings if I have not experienced it’s absence?

As to faith with out doubt, I find one of your comments particularly applicable. You state “If I have faith I am going to Heaven, then I am not doubting I am going to Heaven.” (isn’t possible to have both?)

This tells me two things (or I’m ass u me ing 🙂 two things.

1: When you say you have faith you are going to Heaven, you mean to say you are “100 % sure” you are going to Heaven.
2: This Surety leaves no doubts about your afterlife.

But surety is not faith. They are polar opposites. (as compared to doubt and faith which are related opposites)

I either am sure something is true, I know it to be true, or I believe it to be true, have faith that it is true.

Once I know something to be true I no longer have need of faith.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI ask, if I have assumed the above correctly and the faith you have is so strong you have no doubts whatsoever about your place in Heaven (and I have known many Christians who profess the same so I am not judging your belief and acknowledge that I may indeed be wrong) I must as always respectfully disagree.

I believe that no Christian should feel 100 % assured of their spot in Heaven…(that becomes a different discussion on sin we can satan1save for later).

Now I must admit that this might  just be a personal problem.

I, for my part at least (and granted not only did I spend much of my youth celebrating and promoting sin, but that stain and those years have left me a little…more colorful than many Christians I know) am fearful and respectful of God’s wrath and am concerned about my afterlife. Yes I have been baptized confirmed, baptized a second time, (and then a third when I wouldn’t stop misbehaving in my 20’s lol).

Now of course I’m older and make better choices, but I still live with that/those demon(s) in my head.

Will I get into Heaven. I have faith that I will, but I do not know.

I personally don’t even know there’s a heaven, but I believe in one, do have faith in an afterlife.

Jesus As MeThis is when I guess that I must bother many other Christians.  They will begin to discuss with me the countless thousand ways I can be more sure. Most of them revolve around my music and movie choices…now of course they don’t read this blog.

As far as I can tell from all I could understand it boils down to having faith in Jesus as the Son(representative), and what God see when he looks into my heart on judgement day. The rest is kind of a mish mash of guidelines more than absolutes.

You may see this different than I do, many Christians do.

I did once and spent a lot of time trying to dissect this passage or that law to determine what it means to walk in faith. It was driving me crazy….lol crazier

I felt, for me anyway I had to let go and trust that God knows his stuff. Things I’m never going to be able to puzzle out I don’t need too (though I still do fer fun).


I was okay.

Having faith wanting to do good, to be open and receptive to the Holy Spirit inside me(us). To allow God to use that spirit to fufill his plan using me. That’s all I had to do.

That doesn’t mean I never have doubts. It means that despite my doubts I have faith in His plan.

I pray daily that I am or becoming a good actor in that plan but also am comfortable in the knowledge that  His Will is in action and until I get to Heaven I cannot “know” anything.

Jeez I’m so sorry I haven’t even gotten to free will and this has turned into a usual seemingly unending ramble. I hope you will be open to further discussions but either way…
These are the kind’a opinions I’m booted from Bible studies for so I thank you for the opportunity to discuss this/these issues in such an in depth, fun and open way. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

God Bless ya


Okay so I swear to bejeebus I’m gonna try to keep this short cats n kittens and yes as always it’s me the ol Dysu.the ol dysu

Here’s the deal…I’m trying to get a bunch of other stuff done, tryin to ignore politics and the assorted cultura-socio drama that makes my little dog spin. I mean, oh it is to laugh, at least temporarily.

But then comes this, and fer you gentle readers who think Fox news is biased well you just don’t watch it enough, cause all day long I have to hear seemingly valid discussions on whether criticisms of President Obama, as Oprah Winfrey suggests, are based on White America’s underlying racist tendencies.

Proof that idiocy knows no racial barriers.

Proof that idiocy knows no racial barriers.

Okay I’m gonna leave that topic alone of course, because I am sure that somewhere, somehow, some white conservative christian* mouthpiece is willing to prove me wrong…That in some east side Jewish borough or L.A. Koreantown grocery mart they openly mock and disrespect our President. That in snooty East Coast Country Clubs (many infested with rich liberal John Kerry types) they secretly snicker at his ghettoization of the White House

No I love Common really!   He's on my iPod playlist!

No I love Common really!
He’s on my iPod playlist.

But to suggest that Middle Americans are somehow outlandishly disrespectful of our currents President(policies) because of his race is  something that I don’t believe even you, first lady of American Truth, can really believe.

Not jes the us being racist part. But the disrespect for the office part.

Miss Winfrey I know you were around during the 8 years President Bush was in office.

During those years there was no hidden or subtle disrespect by many of you on the so called tolerant left.

Attacks on Bush

The most popular attack on Bush.

In fact much of the criticism of Pres Bush often had little to do with the policies and more simply attacks against the man in person. For who he was.

I have suffered in White America!

I have suffered in White America!

The Minister of the church that you attended in these years is a prime example.

Where were your concerns of disrespect for the office then.

Bashin Bush was a popular past time!

Bashin Bush was a popular past time!

Wasn’t some of the vocal criticisms not only personal but racist in nature? That he was a rich christian* conservative white male?

Nazi left "code speak" fer white racist.

Nazi: Left “code speak” fer white racist.

And yet here where very little evidence is available to support your theory (save the same old baseless mantra that inherently America is the most racist nation on earth) Yer’re all over my TV voicing yer opinions.

Not only is there no evidence save the occasional whack job (who white Americans immediately rise en masse to condemn) there is plenty of evidence to argue that most middle class middle Americans wanted President Obama to succeed simply because he

2012: Pres Obama campaigns amid a sea of white faces...(plenty more pics where this came from)

2012: Pres Obama campaigns amid a sea of white faces…(plenty more pics where this came from)

is black.

And I don’t know maybe that is racism of a sort…

But Miss Winfrey, this outcry you are hearing is disappointment in the broken promises of his (doomed to fail) ideology.

Yer Racist Ya'll

Yer Racist Ya’ll

Or perhaps Ma’am, do you feel as Pres Obama does, and has expressed openly, as Reverend Wright does, and has extolled from his pulpit, that it is long past the time that White America had it’s comeuppance?

I humbly and dysfunctionally await yer response?

Okay so hey cats n’ kittens its me the ol Dysu and I know it’s been awhile but I’m a dysfunctional unit and there’s jes never anythe ol dysu telling with me…

Woah did I jes say I was a dysfunctional unit? Wait…

Hell, I’m The Dysfunctional Unit.

Okay yea and that’s how I roll, disfunctionally

Anyway…the dealy O is that I been a busy unit clinking and clanking along, and as well a discouraged unit, wheezing and whistling steam. We’ll get to that near the end of the post.

First jes wanted to let everyone know that my second book “The Pitcher The Crow & The Fox” is now available on Amazon fer Kindle/e-reader as well as in soft cover (that’s a book fer all you young kittens).

Getting a book up on Kindle or Createspace is a little more complicated than my Dysfunction allows. It certainly takes me more than one day to go through the whole process and I still am left with a product that is less than I always hope it will be.

The problem comes in formatting the book to have it optimal for all the different websites requirements.

Word doc. at 8×11 1/2 with 300 dpi illustrations, PDF file 6×9 illustrations better than 300 dpi, and that’s jes the interiors. The covers get even more complicated.

Now before ya start throwin out tips and hints I should let ya know of course I don’t do this work myself, I farm it out. I am jes a mad old poet, a writer, an idea man, not an editor, not a digi-tech wizard.

Anyway follow the link above if yer interested. It’s a retelling of a classic tale in the tradition of the original but with more 3D special effects fer today’s sophisticated reader.

Okay and anyway, the rest is jes…oh wait…really there are no 3D special effects…jes wanted to make sure noone took me seriously there…

Back to it.

Speak No Weirdness!

Speak No Weirdness!

See the thing is I am jes so overwhelmingly flabbergasted by what has become of our country. I mean I cannot, perhaps due to my dysfunction comprehend jes what the 40% of the people who approve of our president are thinking?

If, by now, you cannot see, you do not want and never will. But lemme run through this example fer old time sake anyway.

I’ll skip the pointless rehashing of Benghazi or my other tirades and jes focus on health care fer a minute.

But health cares still pretty wide a topic lets go  lost health insurance due to…

No wait still too broad a topic, lets simply focus on the people, millions of them who voted fer Obama either Democrat or “Independent” (L and his fabulous ol’s) who believed his goofy rhetoric about rainbow colored hope, feel good-isms, free everything fer everybody except the elusive they (in this instance the rich) & loved the idea of voting for him based on the color of his skin (racism).

It's all goin Grrreat!

It’s all goin Grrreat!

In general I am talking here to young people, mostly white, mostly woman, mostly but not all.

Here’s what I wanna say, step up to the damn plate, bite the bullet, whichever cliche ya wanna pick and buy the damn insurance.

Supporters in Theory Only

Hey you Kylie, Leslie, oh and yer ambiguously effeminate friend Stephen, remember that big rally on University campus? I know it was a year ago n all and it’s hard to remember that far back but…

You were there screaming love and support. Laughing at the image of evil rich republicans. Weeping at the brave new world you were going to help usher in.

Well here we are, ya  dance with the Piper and all that…

Oh what am I saying, this is the age of unaccountability. You kids aren’t responsible don’t worry bout it.

I'm sure all of these folks have signed up.

I’m sure all of these folks have signed up.

How bout you young professionals? I know yer facing the reality of the world, and yea it can be pretty harsh but, I mean ya supported this guy, this idea of socialized medicine. Lots of people warned you about it.

I'm rich and white and the left hates me for it.

I’m rich and white and the left hates me for it.

Oh I know they were all crazy racist, homophobic, rich white fascist republicans but ya gotta give ’em the nod on this one…

I mean don’t ya?

Oh it is to laugh of course that was rhetorical.

And that of course leads me to the discouraged unit part.

I'm rich and white but get a pass.

I’m rich and white but get a pass.

A long time very good friend of mine, some one I dearly love, (not Lil Mouse) even though they are unabashedly, unapologeticly uninformededly liberal, and I have enjoyed some fun back and forth dialogues about politics.

This person is an ardent supporter of President Obama.

As the past few weeks have unfolded I have watched in glee and wondered how her(whoops) their hutzpah and bravado in defense of the holy unifying Messiah of Fairness would hold up?

I mean I waited fer weeks into the Obamacare mess. Let the rollout stumble and fall said nary a word. Gave time fer her own (oh there I go again) insurance company to mail a “Sorry” letter. Let that sink in and settle fer a bit like the sour grape it is…

I was practically gleeful, and probably not hiding it well when I finally asked, “hey so what happened with yer insurance policy?” Her grimace told me everything I needed to know.

And now I thought fer the nail in the coffin. With an impish smile I asked “So hows that Obamacare treating you?”

Healthcare fer who?

Healthcare fer who?

Without batting an eye and with that seriously committed pissed off scrunch coming between her eyebrows she said.

“Well if weren’t for the damn republicans in the senate…”

Too Much Paranoias

November 9, 2013

Good morning everyone. Just a little fun this morning with one of my favorites from last year.

Random Writes & Rongs

This is not me.

I mean it could be.

An old dude staring at his computer.

If some one could peer through my computer screen this is what they might see.

I mean if this guy was me, which he’s not.

Though he does have my name which brings me  to the point of this post…so does this guy I mean wow…

So once in awhile I look up my name online. Who can help it? Don’t try and tell me you haven’t.

I mean silly, self centered, but yea there it is; you type your name in the Google search bar and see what comes up.

Sometimes I’ll add writer or poet after my name. I write a lot online so I do get some Google hits, but nowhere near as many as another poet. If I type in “Tom Foster poet” this is the guy that comes up…

View original post 241 more words

Slavery, Schlmavery

November 9, 2013

Hey all you Dysu fans, heres the aforementioned follow up post to “Whiggers”
Please don’t hesitate to lemme know how my brilliant diatribe helped ya see a new truth…
Or yea vice versa.


Okay now where the hell was I…Oh yea I was telling you all  to stop whining about slavery.

Here’s the ugly truth about slavery.

At one point in human history everybody was making slaves out of the people they conquered.

Every era, every race, culture, countries, city states, tribes took slaves.

It was the way things were done.

Am I saying it was right?

Am I condoning slavery?

Jumped up  Jesus on a pogo stick NO! The ol’ Dysu, that’s me cats & kittens just wants to talk about truth.

Point one: Bad things happen.

But sometimes good  results from this or these “bad thing(s)”.

Take slavery for example.

If your are the direct descendant of an individual taken from Africa against their will and brought to this country for the purpose of slavery well then your lucky because that means you were born in America instead…

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Like Shakespeare but with more profanity

Thought Catalog

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