
Tortise & Hare

May 15, 2014

Tortise  n the Hare 1


Tortoise and the Hare: Volume III of the Fables for a New Century Collection

Will need Adobe to view…hope ya enjoy…oh n the picture above is not from the book…jes to be clear.

Anyway hope you get a chance to view this fun little book.

Jes fer fun here’ the 2nd part to that post cats n kittens…hope ya’ll enjoy-DYSU


So the questions I have about and for  God (like #1 what the hells up with my brain chemicals lol) are of course infinite.

I do have an almost equal number of questions for his followers here on earth. I mean help a dysfunctional brother out!!

Narrowing it down though, here’s where it ties into the last post.

So many of the Christians I’ve known (God bless their souls) so many of the churches I’ve attended, seem to focus less on the words of Jesus, and more on the rules of the Paul.

And here I don’t mean the original, one of the twelve, no we’re talking Saul, who became Paul, the guy who penned  “Romans”, “Corinthians” etc

That would make the appropriate term for these individuals “Paulists”.

Now I don’t care if you want to be “Paulists” and get all tied up in the anal details of a persecuting…

View original post 827 more words

As a follow up to Earth Day’s post I thought I’d re-post of the first wrote on the subject.
I’ll post pt. 2 later tonight or so, even though it goes a tad south…but I got a new Sinner’s Sermon post comin this Sunday so I guess it get us in the mood…
Annyway hope ya’ enjoy n like the post says feel free to correct me where I’m wrong… 🙂


Well okay, I mean all right so hello again. Little Mouse was worried bout my blood pressure after reading the last post. She said she can always tell how my days gone by how many f bombs I drop in my posts. She keeps after me to be a kinder gentler unit but the weather outside just started turning nasty, God bless America, I think that means that we’re (or more precisely you re: my crankiness) are pretty much screwed until March.

Anyway it put me in kind of funk this morning right off the bat and I realized the last thing I wanna go do is blog some long diatriblical rant about any of my usual topics this.

Which left me of course with the dilemma of what I was going to write about…? I should just post one of the back-ups I have ready, I know I still…

View original post 681 more words

The Earth Day Fairy

April 23, 2014

Well it’s Earth day…

I use to be really into it.

I never talk about it much but I love the outdoors, camping, and even more than simply camping I love orienteering.

Last years campsite in the Badlands

Last years campsite in the Badlands

I love nothin’ better than to wander into the wilderness and have done so on numerous occasions (and will again this summer at some point).

It all stems back to my homeless days when, since I was sleeping outdoors anyway,  I started doing so more n more in the local hills around O.C.; mostly Saddleback Mountain area (Holy Jim Trail, Lost Woman Canyon, some great names).

When you’re sleeping outdoors in the mountains they call it camping.

In the city it’s vagrancy.

Ah but anyway ya see I jes wanna make sure that you understand I really dig (n have since my early twenties) the outdoorsy, minimalist, green-ish lifestyle, before I go typing all the following.

N like usuaal I got nothin ‘gainst people tryin’ to live green or whatever, it’s jes the semantics that bother me, it’s jes the bullshit *logic* employed by the movement’s movers n shakers that’s all.
The same pseudo science propaganda phraseology I get to hear on a daily basis spouted by newscasters n neighbors, some well meaning folks n others flim flam huckster salesmen.

Entry level eco-freak.

Look, long ago when I was a card carryin’ member of Earth First, I bein the Unit that I am and never doin anything half way eventually started exploring the ideas of more extreme green-ies which of curse led me to the book the Monkey Wrench Gang and to other more…determined factions among Earth First members…


Goin hardcore.

I’m not claimin or sayin’ I ever did anything at all but…

Well ya see it’s like this, n I know, I know I talk about this a lot but that’s because all you b-tards with yer constant save the Earth baloney are drivin me to do so…you stop in I’ll stop I promise that’s a deal.
Annyway where the heck was I?
O yea it’s like this, every good n true ecologist knows that there is only one real problem, population growth rate. It doesn’t matter what elsewe do, in fact that’s not necessarily true but we’ll come back to that. That’s why scientists are working so hard fer GMO crops…

The dreaded GMO

The dreaded GMO

We will have issues with other resources but, jeez, look how much trouble the Governments have feeding their populations now.
But this isn’t some fact I somehow alone know. Many, maybe most educated people, know this by now. Certainly as I stated above, the movers n shakers, the powerhouses of the Green Movement know this to be true. More people, more problems.

Our eventual demise?

Our eventual demise?

So one of the key factors you realize, if you are serious about this green buisness, if ya wanna save the Earth, then it would be best to reduce the human population by a huge number of people.

That’s the only thing that is going to “save the planet”
Yet we are sold this idea anyway.
The other thing all of the above mentioned folk know fer sure is that we, meaning (wo)mankind ain’t going to destroy the earth, at the very worst we may make uninhabitable fer all living things (even this is highly doubtful) fer a millennia or so but, heck it’s the damn Earth, it’s been through a lot worse than we can dish out. The ol’ gal would be sure to bounce back.
Yet we are als0 sold this idea, that man is actually on the very brink of destroying the Earth.
They sell us the product though they know it is defective.
Okay now those of you who have read a few of my posts before may have already encountered this conundrum I am again going to try and raise but, yea anyway…
If you are trying to “save” the planet you are going about it wrong…unless yer a smoker…takin a big one fer the team, thanks smokers.

Doin there part to save the planet

Doin there part to save the planet!

If yer doing all that green stuff, yer really tryin to save humans, our way of life, our enjoyment of the world the way it is now (maybe even better fer awhile).
But the thing is, n here we get back to what I mentioned earlier, isn’t it true that the better we do at protecting ourselves and our environment the more of us there will be?
So when I said there is nothing we can do,  I meant only fer the positive, we can affect the Earth by continuing to live and grow as a species. And as I mentioned above unless we all stop procreatin that ain’t gonna happen anyway so…
Logically we can see that all the Green Movement is doing fer the Earth, at least in it’s form now, is prolonging the inevitable, which of course will make things worse not better.
And once again, the movin n shakin folks have to know this is true also…I mean if a little ol Unit like me can figure it out fer sure Al Gore can as well.
Making his "green" the old fashioned way, through intimidation, bullying and snake oil.

Making his “green” the old fashioned way, through intimidation, bullying and snake oil.

So then what is the point behind the whole charade, well of course it must be money, which gives a whole new meaning to the term “Green Movement”. (n here I mean separate from other agenda items like outlawing fossil fuels)

But if it’s only about sellin us all these new products what is the environmental impact of their creation, distribution, purchase etc?
Lol I could offer a few more hypothetical situational attacks on the hypocrisy of the whole thing but what’s the point, it’s not like I’m gonna derail the green train…
N I guess yer doin yer best with the info yer morning show gives ya, buyin those new light bulbs…that aren’t as good a light source, don’t last as long an…oh yea hilariously enough, are more dangerous fer the environment…Oh I mean…it is to do the proverbial laughing.



Thought I’d re-blog this today, bein Easter, by one of my favorite bloggers, Miss Snarky Snatch, instead of writing my own…
Happy Easter evryone and I hope you enjoy.

Yes, yes I know cats n kittens it’s the name of a big 80’s hit by the irrepressible Canadian band  Men Without Hats.

But we’re not here to talk about New Wave inspired dance moves we’re here today to talk about our, Americans, incessant craze with safety…being safe, making things safer, the safety dance against injuries, disease, death.

To quote Gob Bluth, I mean c’mon!

So here’ the deal, I was drivin to work yesterday, here where I live in Palace City, and there was a young woman (30’s 40’s) power walking down 5th street with a yellow safety vest on.

Now before we get too far let me assure you that I did indeed make sure she wasn’t…special.

And no, she was a regular lookin mid-west upper middle mom, doing her morning power walk, wearin her safety vest for the heavy Palace City traffic….

That last part was the funny part.

There is very little, if any, traffic in Palace City, I mean there’s Main Street n Havens, but that’s only in comparison to the rest of PC’s streets.

On her way to the mall.

What tomorrow’s fashion conscience housewife will be wearing.

By any real cities traffic standards, even at rush hour, Palace City traffic ranks as near non-existent.

Yet here is this seemingly intelligent lady sportin the canary yellow vest of safety.

(I didn’t stop to ask but I’m sure on one the pastel walls of her lovely home is the phrase Live, Laugh, Love.)

But anyway n again that’s gettin off topic, ’cause I just wanna focus on this safety issue.

Listen ladies, n I’m singling you out here ’cause let’s face it yer the driving force behind this safety craze, we can not…I repeat, can not stop people from getting hurt.

We can’t protect everybody at all times. We can’t all be 100% healthy at any given moment, age comes with pain n other assorted maladies, faces get wrinkly, people die.

I mean when we leave the decision making fer the country up to an army of women who feel the need to strap on a yellow safety vest to walk down and empty street, well no wonder our country is in so much trouble.

“Wha…Wha…What?” Many of you readers are asking right now, others are saying “Oh there he goes again!”

Meaning of course making outlandish sexist statements but look…

I’m not jes pullin some made up idea sh*t out my a**.

I didn’t believe this first n then look fer evidence, this is what the evidence suggests.

Ever since you ladies have gotten involved in politics, as our society has drifted away from evil of “patriarchy”,  the various levels of governments in our fine country  have become more n more like mother…

Ya might want to but ya can’t deny it’s true.

And you might be okay with it, using Government to force us all to wear neon yellow safety vests when ever we are outside of our residence, but not me.

When I was a youngster I rode in the front seat of the car with no seat belt with an adult who was smoking with the windows rolled up sometimes standing up….many of my generation experienced the same.

Amazingly enough, despite these extreme risky behaviors (and much more and worse besides), there are many more American’s alive today than in my day.

So what does that tell you?

It tells me, to jes pick one…fer instance, say Child Safety Seat Laws, are ful of the ol’ crap o’la…

Raising the next generation of daring, brave, independent Americans.

Raising the next generation of daring, brave, independent Americans.

Certainly we don’t need a new design every two to three years.

So why do we have them?

Two reasons one lawmakers need to write laws, besides justifying their existence and also the need to convince you that you need them fer yer…what?  You got it pal, safety.

Two, car seat companies need to sell car seats. Once ya bought one, why do ya need more, you can pass them down child to child…ahh but if they keep changing the regulations then the car seat industry is forever protected.

I use to work in a thrift store n we had to throw away seats that were 5 years old or older due to continual changes to safety requirements. I had tried to start a program of giving them to needy families but was unable due to  gov reg.

I mean ya’d figure, I mean if yer a believer in this kind’a thing, a seat is better than no seat yea?

N I know, you can write me all the changes needed, crash science etc…I won’t care it doesn’t change the fact that there are far more people alive today than ten years ago.

Anyway the point is, even if we try we cannot outlaw danger or disease or aging, and secondarily do we really even want to?

It’s just another area where Human’s who once had to live through faith in God, praying to keep their family, friends, community safe, now have transposed that to faith in Government, demanding laws to keep the above mentioned all, equally safe from harm.

Neither entity can achieve this goal.

But when things go wrong only one of those two can claim a mysterious plan which some say, with faith can somehow soften the blow.

Having faith in the government to keep us from harm means finding who’s to blame when the government fails and then suing that someone…suing someone, some people say, softens the blow.

Again in both cases neither of these powers can keep us safe at all times. Most of that depends, in the long run on the individual.

Wait that’s not right…under God it’s pretty much up to the individual. I am free to act safe or not.

Under the Government, and exceedingly more so each year, acting in a way that threatens harm to no one but myself has come under increasing regulation. Seat belt laws, and helmet laws were just the start, now we see all sorts of crazed legislation, including but not limited to the well known Soda Size laws in New York…oh it is to laugh.

Even many of you reading this don’t see the harm in much of this legislation.Safety dance

N so I don’t doubt that some politician somewhere wants to make “Visibility Vests” an everyday part of American life.

After all think of the children.






Of all the things that make my Lil Dog spin round and round cats and kittens one of the most frustrating is the following…

Study Confirms that Neanderthals and Humans Got It On.

Artwork Confirms Aliens and Cavemen Interacted

Artwork Confirms Aliens and Cavemen Interacted

No it’s not the fact that Humans n Neanderthals (may have) “got it on” as the headline suggests…

No it’s the headline itself that drives me crazy.

It’s one example of perhaps hundreds we’re subjected to every month

This is a common, way too common, annoying me out of my Lil Dog mind common news tactic.

For ratings (or worse) News often features sketchy science stories from scientists or companies with an agenda.

What am I talkin about…well lets look at the story itself.

Now, a pair of European scientists say that they have confirmed the human-Neanderthal reproduction hypothesis using statistical modeling — and these results, the researchers add, should go a long way to change the way we think of other human-like species.

Okay well here we can see that again the writer of the story uses the word “confirmed”, suggesting absolute correctness, but jes a few words later we encounter the troubling phrase “statistical modeling”.  Of course we can’t automatically discount the research, but S.M. research is notoriously easy to “build to order”.

“We did a bunch of math to compute the likelihood of two different scenarios,” says Laurent Frantz, study co-author and evolutionary biologist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. “Our analysis shows that a model that involves interbreeding is much more likely than a model where there was sustained substructure in Africa.” The scientist cautions that sustained substructure might still have occurred, “but it cannot be used to explain the genetic similarities” all on its own.

And of course here’s where we get to what I want to talk about (and have talked about in numerous other posts).

If the headline had read…Study Suggests it was Much More Likely that Neanderthals and Humans Got It On…I wouldn’t be writing about it right now. But this purposeful misleading is happening more and more often and usually with a specific social agenda involved

Ya see I get to hear people use these Science News Reports where the possible breakthroughs have been reported and now repeated as fact (Women handling more pain than men, Global Warming, Home ownership = Responsible citizenry etc etc) in daily conversations, arguments and blogs.

And have very little luck trying to explain that what was reported is not, or may not be actual scientific fact at this point.

But why yer askin?

Why would scientists lie?

Scientist of course are harmless nerds dedicating their lives to help humanity, selfless and above petty things like politics, social ideology or greed…oh it is to laugh.

Let’s go again to our article and see if there are any clues.

This party needs some Neanderthal Babes!

“Know what this party needs?” ” Yea, some Neanderthal Babes, Bro!”

“Some think that we outcompeted [other hominins](sic)or that they were killed by humans, but now we can see that it’s not that simple.” In all likelihood, some Neanderthals were recruited into certain human populations, he says, and shared in their daily lives. So thinking of humanity solely in terms of a struggle to destroy all that differs from our species is, at least partially, incorrect. ” Frantz says.

Ahh…I see…it all comes clear now…Lolarious.

The first two words I bolded point out the suggestive words. He doesn’t say absolutely beyond all reasonable doubt,  with scientific certainty he use the word likelihood instead. He doesn’t point to specific and documented populations, jes suggests that there must have been certain populations.

The highlighted red sentence of course is where we get to the nut of it. The studies authors and the article writer both have an underlying agenda, something they want to prove and announce to the world, mankind is meant to be universally co-operative and peaceful.

Now I’m not saying this Human/Neanderthal theory is wrong, I personally am a supporter of this theory, it’s jes and again, the headline…

When you read the whole article, it almost always reveals the true story.

But in certain populations, that might be askin too much.




Oh…oh it is to laugh cats n kittens…I tell ya’ sometimes…I mean I’m flabbergasted.

I’m watchin my usual NBC (the only channel I get) morning show this morning n fer the fourth day in a row (maybe) one of  the lead news stories is the grilling on

Mary Barra

Mary Barra Bares GM Burdens Under Burgeoning Backlash

Now wait okay, lets get somethin out of the way before we begin…

The design flaw, continued production, lies n cover up by GM are bad. People were injured. People died.  Families still grieve…I get it.

This post is not to make lite of these tragedies.

That being said, the Countries security, this Nations interest were never at stake.

And yet everyone of these Senators and Congresspersons save a couple, are far more visibly upset and grilling fer answers more aggresively than they ever were over Benghazi, an issue were National interests were at stake.

Yes I know, fer them it’s an easy target, a way to look tough fer their constituents, to look concerned fer the “people” and they get to attack a big bad corporation, winner winner chicken dinner.

N again I don’t wanna make lite of the victims of GM’s killing spree, but c’mon politico’s where was the fire in yer belly to get answers over Benghazi.

While these individuals who died in GM involved accidents were important to family, friends, a community, they weren’t busy doing the work of America & our interests abroad, which makes them part of our larger family, the community of Americans, a fact that should have made the deaths at Benghazi (at least as) important to us all.

GM Announces Huge Losses And Another Round Of Buyouts

Headquarters, General Murderers Inc.

And while I do understand the outrage that General Motors (a for profit corporation) got caught lying to consumers and putting many an American driver at risk. at least it wasn’t the very Government that we entrust with all of our safety and well being 24/7 as they say, getting caught lying to it’s…no wait they did get caught bald faced lying to us all, even the media, if’n ya believe it so you’d think they’d be maddest of all…

Annnyway so while yes I do understand the outrage, I wonder at it’s national news power as compared to say Benghazi…

Okay well no, that’s probably not a true statement, I don’t wonder at all.

I already know why or…believe I know why…

It’s ’cause the above mentioned News people choose to make it important.

They talk about it every morning using inflammatory language and suggest many Americans are outraged….n maybe they are. But I think there’s a bit of the chicken and the egg goin on here as well.

NBC savannah guthrie

“Don’t be silly! Of course we don’t tell you what to think! We jes tell you what other Americans are thinking so you know what to think…get it?.”

Anyway, John n Jane Regular hear this as they’re getting ready in the morning n feel that they also should be outraged because they want to be good Americans and of course it is outrageous.

That poor girl died. Someone should be held accountble!

Mr. & Mrs. Regular’s head to their respective jobs n express their outrage to others who also watched their favorite morning show and were also informed that they should be outraged.

And they all agree it’s outrageous. Second of course to the outrage is the “demand to have answers” and to hold “someone accountable”.

Counter that with the lack of outrage n demand fer answers etc from the Morning Shows regarding Benghazi…

Oh wait…that’s right there was outrage at first.

Outrage, we were told, over a video on YouTube…

Oh…I’m sorry…hold on.

Oh really it’s jes so hilarious…it’s hard fer me to take this stuff seriously anymore.

Darn almost got it! Darn almost got it!

Darn almost got it! Darn almost got it!

I know that I’m jes the ol’ Unit with a lil’ dog spinning round n round in his head, but if I could ask any of the various big name Newsies a question it would be “Do you ever feel embarrassed, ashamed and/or guilty?”

And ya know what else!…

Back when NBC was a tool of the right.

Back when NBC was a tool of the right.

What happened to my supposed generation? (I’m officially a tail end BB’r, but never have identified with that subgroup) weren’t we the group who clamored fer a free press, scolded the media of the day fer being a  propaganda machine, tool of the right wing military industrial complex, lying to us about Vietnam…yea I’m pretty sure that was “us”, the free-spirited, freedom loving left, the same left that now has firm control of our media…our culture…

What happened to us?

Yes of course we should feel…outrage (sorry they said it like a bunch a times this morning) about these General Motor’s Murders and following actions and cover-up by the company…and indeed the families deserve answers.

But how much more then should we the American family be…you know what, over Benghazi, and where is the call, the demand fer answers, or fer someone to be held accountable (except of course from the far fringe kooky right, right Media)?

And that is no wonder…fer the network media has dismissed Benghazi, has told us all, (since after the early outraged YouTube weeks anyway)that this was all too confusing with too many factors fer Mr. & Mrs. Regular to grasp and besides nothing really to see there folks…

In the media portrayal of the world people who want answers to General Motors are lauded as heroes, people who call fer answers to Benghazi are anti-Hilary (against women gettin too big fer their britches) or after President Obama (racist).

…Sigh…you should go read what happened to Ambassador Stevens in his last hour of life…

Yea, I know that’s not funny…

But the fact that hardly any of the people sreamin ’bout GM, few of  any who are demanding accountability, typing their comments into Yahoo news stories or GM’s Facebook page ever bothered, or will ever bother to get very worked up over Benghazi…

"Don't be silly of course we know best!"

“Like I care, I got a sweet gig goin, Baby! Gettin all hard core vestigative journalist ain’t my style & besides goin against this gravy train would jes be pointless careericide.”

The fact that my News people, Matt n you to Savannah, can be so worked up over GM’s betrayal, be so outr…oh you know, and not use yer talents and position to call, demand, dig fer answers over a far bigger betrayal, a far larger cover-up…in Benghazi

And still say yer not biased and or should be taken seriously…now that’s funny…

Oh n it’s not like we don’t know why, after all, the people who died at Benghazi were the military, or close enough anyway, and we know how the left feels about anything involved with the military or other “shady” activities in any country (other than our own as long & as it’s against “righties”).

Oh if’n only there was something to suggest that Ambassador Stevens was killed by a run away GM vehicle, then we’d get answers.





I know, I know,  you f-tarded bastards, yes I know I can be so mean, or seem like I’m being mean, or like I’m being racist, or…fill in yer negative stereotype.

Look all you cats n kitten I’m the Dysfunctional Unit fer a reason, that doesn’t excuse what I do, but it may explain why you may misunderstand what I am trying to say….

No, really, I think you (many of you) jes do that on purpose…

Here, as an example, is a poem I once wrote n performed occasionally in the coffee houses in the So Cal area…

I wrote this poem about a neighbor that’s why it’s called…


Why My Neighbor Kept a Dog

He kept a dog

‘Cause he wanted a woman

But the dog didn’t complain when he beat it

He didn’t have to give it money to go to the mall or to get it’s hair done

He didn’t have to listen to it complain about his lifestyle choices

And when he left the house

The dog followed three steps behind

Like he believed a good bitch should

And that’s why he kept a dog

I've heard it's best to start their traning early.

I’ve heard it’s best to start their training early.


Okay so whenever I read that poem I was invariably accosted by audience members fer being a sexist….fer suggesting women should be beaten…wha…wha…what ?!?

It was about my nieghbor!

It was one of my first experiences with pc’run a’mokness

So like, when I wrote the post re:Putin n Obama I of course never realized that readers would think I was racist.

I did portray Putin as a arrogant dangerous racist, Obama as an arrogant child/man (and somewhat racist)…(as to the pictures n size of text hopefully that’s fixed-ish)…

But again, me bein a racist, meaning I personally am judging people solely by their skin color.

Sorry not my thing.

I look at what people do and how they behave, what they say and write, and the differences between the two.

Obama in a sea of white 4

Good Racism in action.

Ex: Like white American suburban liberals who were happy to vote for Obama to show that America had moved beyond all that, to prove we were no longer a racist nation, or certainly they themselves were no longer racists.

I have news fer ya, hate to break it to ya…but if you voted fer President  Obama because he was black yer a racist.

You acted based solely on the color of his skin.

Racism. Yea you say, “but it was good racism.

Oh wait, I know, I know ya support his policies n pogroms…whoops Freudian…programs.

Name one…

Health Care, Lowell,  hows that been workin’ out fer ya?

How ’bout the economy?

How ’bout how much it suddenly costs to buy groceries, fill the tank…oh and so on.

I know, I know many of you didn’t really read up on Mr. Obama prior to votin fer him, ya jes listened to the TV news…well really the news is pretty boring, but ya did n do watch John Stewart and Jimmy Fallon.

Late Nite Laughs!

Late Nite Laughs!

Anyway if ya did any homework at all there was plenty to suggest to find. Mr. Obama was not shy about his views regarding America’s wealth n privilage (meaning white America) and told us all ahead of time he believed some of these things needed to happen.

That is because then student and then Senator Obama fully believed two important principles (along with many others, even on the so called conservative side).

1 That white Euro-American success and power came at the expense of the third world nations and peoples, and the field should be leveled utilizing western resources to fuel a resurgence in wealth and transferring of resources  back to the “victim” nations.

2 Big Government can & should be the tool used to level the playing field between rich and poor (peoples and nations both).

Well okay that’s a whole ‘nother can of beans as they say.


No matter what you think, I don’t like our President because I don’t agree with what he professes to believe in.

Don’t like his tendency to support the idea that the Government is a balm to soothe all societies ills…

I don’t think he really believes that it can.

He does wants us to believe it can.

I used to believe those things, used to be a super lefty, think  I made that clear enough…

I jes don’t anymore based on all available evidence and data.

Government  isn’t there to be the Big Mommy n Daddy of us all, nor is it here to be the arbiter of healthy living, nor make people like each other…

Thanks Mommy!

Thanks Mommy!

Not only is in not supposed to be doing these things, it can’t.

No matter how much it promises, no matter how much it takes from one group to give to another, no matter how much it obfuscates and finger points (both damn sides) the (fed) Gov cannot right the wrongs of the past.

It cannot guarantee safety n happiness fer all.

Cannot guarantee fairness…and should be ashamed fer leading people to think it can.

One the few things that the Federal Government is suppose to do…A#1, top o my list anyway, is to protect our country from people, organizations, or other countries that mean to do harm to the ol’ US of A.

Harm not jes to our people, our land or things, but our interests as well, the economic interests of the citizens, of our pretty “good” country…

This is why I switched parties in the 2000. Other logic added into it but this was the key factor.

One of the politial parties was fer American interest, and one was fer the worlds.

Jes some other breaking news fer ya, people in other parts of the world covet what Americans have.

They believe as our President does(see above…)and as so many liberal University/College Professors have been teaching fer years now (that’s why so many good hard working kind n thoughtfully green citizens of America also believe this and support the idea*)that our Country’s dominance is due solely to nefarious criminal activities on America’s part and not due to the hard work and sacrifice of generations of it’s people.


Tenured Professor Bilde,        U of AH

So, many people in other countries, as well as a lot of people in this one, feel that the taking of what America has & what Americans have achieved would be more akin to a comeuppance than theft…

And jes a question fer those supporters of this philosophy, what did you think this balancing was going to feel like?*

The dollar losing it’s buying power…how is that goin fer ya?

And as to the various parts of the third world gaining world “player”status ain’t never gonna happen …in yer dreams.

I mean really. did that sound like it was gonna work.

The 3rd world is gonna stay overwhelmingly poor.

Some other powerful country will fill the vacuum when we abandon the post…n I doubt it will be Russia, seriously, though Putin’s makin his move early fer his sizable chunk of the “2nd” world.

If I was layin’ money I’d say China has better odds.

And with America n Americans out of the picture who’s gonna give a flyin f about the 3rd world then…

Of course I’m way off topic…’cause the point is all this…this cultural shifting and it’s full o’ the ol’ crap-ola cheerleaders are laughable at best and the fact that I find myself being the voice of patriotic reason hilarious.

So my posts are always funny to me and wait…what?

Yea full of crap you heard me!

What happens when the fad dies n black goes back to bein the new black?

What happens when the fad dies n black goes back to bein the new black?

I…look if you go around callin’ yerself Green ’cause ya think about the environment a lot and vote democrat, and maybe ya’  changed all the lite bulbs (ha! go look up the new lite bulb fer yerself) in yer four bedroom house…

What’s the real gas mileage on yer new eco-friendly SUV (or compact fer that matter)?

Okay you support alternative energies, how much do you utilize during yer average day to help accomplish yer average day?

Recycling: The Green Movement's Indulgences

Recycling: The Green Movement’s Indulgences.

Oh n of course recyclin, recyclin and buyin, buyin n recyclin…Lowell, we certainly ain’t slowin down in our consumer tendencies…

E-garbage, the new future's dirty little secret.

E-garbage, the tech livin future’s dirty little secret.

How many new, unrecyclable, untrashable, electronic gadgets have you n yer family bought in the past year?

How many have you thrown away?

How much is in yer garage? Can ya still fit the new Wrangler in there?

How many closets do you have that could rival Fibber McGee’s?

Do I have to ask more rhetorical questions?

sun chips

Proof of American consumer’s rhetorical commitments n fickle fads finicky foibles.

Not too long ago one of my favorite brand of chips came out with a new bio-degradable bag…the new bag was quickly scrapped and they were forced to return to the old fashioned ungreen bags.

What was the problem, the big consumer complaint you may wonder?

The bags were noisier. That was it…it bothered consumers that the bags made more noise, and these are the “healthy/green crowd” chips.

Oh…oh…I’m sorry! Oh…hold on!..Oh it is to laugh.

I tell ya what if yer living on a self sustaining farm in a remote part of the country you can talk to me about being green.

Otherwise yer full o the ol’ crap-ola.

Crowning themselves Champion

Winner & Still Champeen!

If you go around sayin it’s a proven fact that women can take more pain than men yer full o the ol crap-ola…

I’m not sayin they can’t, or that they can…

I’m sayin it hasn’t been scientifically proven despite all the news reports that feature studies that say they have “possibly maybe” done just that.

Science is evolving.

Science is evolving.

Even, dare I say it…evolution is only a theory…that’s why it’s called the theory of evolution.

I’m not sayin we didn’t evolve. Hear (or read anyway) what I’m sayin…(though I do believe of course in a mix of both science n God)…

I’m jes sayin ya can’t go around sayin evolution’s a proven fact & there is no God and that people who believe, have faith in a God are stupid, then also talk about human beings innate goodness and talking about karma…wellll…I guess you can but…

I’m sayin if yer claimin to be somethin be it.

If ya say yer tolerant of all view points, ya’ can’t be a pussy when ya hear one ya’ don’t like, other wise yer full of…okay you get it…

Now look how long it’s taken jes to get through that b.s.

But see again I find it hilarious to openly challenge so many and have none willing to respond…that’s funny isn’t it?

I know there are a lot of liberals on WP.

Are you a white middle upper middle income American with a family, house, kids, possibly in college, who having voted fer Obama, views themselves as a good n green modern American liberal with health care n justice fer all (the oppressed)?

I chuckle in the face of yer hypocrisy and l & the fab o l brothers at yer lack of ba…

…sic support of yer own arguments…

And again that’s funny, at least to this Unit.


Well I’m a little late into the blog-o-sphere, I’m sure, with my comments on this whole debacle in the Ukraine, cats n kittens..

Well n actually that hasn’t been a debacle at all, jes the opposite in fact but again…

But as to my thoughts to a title…well I didn’t really wanna be the 250th blogger with “Putin his Boot in His Mouth” as his blog title, so I jes put in a couple of my favorites.

I’m sure been a pretty hot topic n all

So the thing is, well I ended by blendin three ideas my little dog had been chasin and I came up with…well…I don’t know what to call ’em….

And anyway like usual, I’m jes gonna go fer it and we’ll see how it all works out in the end…

Click on the pic if yer interested in checking out my Putin N Obama page and well yea, there ya’ go…




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