
Well, well Cats  & Kittens here we are again. The ol’ Unit is back-ish, a different unit to be sure, but dare I say a better unit, okay maybe just a gentler softer unit, (well at least  not as much cursing, over the top general naughtiness, or unfathomable untagleably knotted rolling pretzel logic, diabolically diatribical at times even seemingly dichotomous rants with [and here I also mean strange stylistic oddness as well] that with my tendency for hyperbolictricty and inventivity when it comes to word usage become unimagineablly unmanageable sentances even for me the guy who wrote them once wrote.) the ol dysu

There will still be fun topics fer discussion, social commentary,  games and prizes galore and the usual livin, laughin, lovin dysfunction that permeates my earlier writing on WP, only shorter, gotta make ’em shorter!#$*.

Okay so where the hell have I been…well lets see less than a month following my Bieber inspired plunge into the wall, Lil Mouse got a job in a town some fifty miles from 409 N.  , the only town I’d lived in since I moved to this frozen land. I had to find a job in this new town etc but we prepared to move, me of course still with fresh head wound  the news came California that my mother had passed away, if you have read any of my earlier posts…(but more on the that later). Plus I kinda got involved in a major renovation project…more on that later as well but okay and thats where I was…where am I going.

I have new projects in the works featuring animation. And though my other blogs will only be available as archives. I will be putting up new posts in new blogs such as possibly “Capital Life in Palace City” okay I just pulled that one out my ass and it’s not that bad. But you get the idea

Where we live we don’t get CBS, so you won’t hear me rant about those f-tar…guys anymore…but I do get NBC and guess who showed up there to taunt, haunt me? None other than Erica Hill…jesbus Erica I mean I only get the one station, how many options did you have?

I will still try to be as honest and forthcoming both about my opinions and when I’m wrong. Like the Senator with the brain injury didn’t become vice president after all.

No I know  Biden’s still vice-president I am talking about my prediction…the Gabby Gifford one.

Even though I swore to Lil’ Mouse I wouldn’t rant about current events I probably will. I will try not to call people who can’t see I’m right f-tards however.

Well lets say this  hopefully the Beast that resides in my head is better chained and I can keep the worst of my behaviors, thoughts, written expressions not just at bay but irrexpressed, unthought,  nonbehaved…as it were.

Puffin  N' PonderinIn general I guess if I’m going to be outlandishly over the top disgusting or in some way vile and viciously vindictively vengeful I must do it only for good, and never with anything that might seem to promote or endorse or indulge these traits for trivial and or monetary gain. But doing it to be funny is still okay. Even if I’m the only one who gets the joke.

I am also planning on re posting all of my original posts so that my old followers (all three of them) can refresh themselves, and new readers may get acquainted with me before they ban me from their friends list.

Anyway, so to re-cap ’bout my absence; I bashed my head, moved, my Ma passed, I moved again, started remodeling an old ratty house (oh I’ll post pictures) from the inside out, all while trying to earn enough income to cover the expenses we were incurring with moves and California vists and….

I mean you bastards ain’t payin me nothin….(whoops, gentle boy, gennntle)

Jeez I’m sure I claimed somewhere above that I was gonna try to be less wordy…

How bout this; I wanna get back to my original intent of this blog, just light fun social and religious commentary, which hopefully will stimulate discussion.  Oh and be funny…and not as mean…and less wordy

So like here we are. I will try to get back to original purpose, you, whoever may yet read this, will hopefully enjoy and respond…

Oh yea and I’ll keep it short

The new and improved DYSU, now from Palace City,  South DakotaDSCN0338


Like Shakespeare but with more profanity

Thought Catalog

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